Tuesday 9 September 2008

Chapter 3


• The main principle of alignment is that “Nothing should be placed on the page arbitrarily. Every item should have a visual connection with something else on the page”.
• New amateur designers tend o place things anywhere on the page where there is space. This creates a messy look.
• When items are aligned with each other and separated physically, there are invisible lines created in your mind that put the information together.
• If everything is placed at random then you don’t see the connection between the objects.
• If you align all similar information then your mind will be able to connect them together and read it easily.
• If your text is centered it is easy to see the information groups, but a strong alignment would make the information even easier to read.
• If you use a combination of grouping important information and aligning them to show the information clearly you item will be easy to understand and follow.

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