Tuesday 28 April 2009

Art for Art's sake (Mag.)

Geneveve Gauckler is a very modern artist who uses various art forms in her designs; such as videos, the web and standard print. Her works create a sense of humor and are always enjoyable because she makes sure when she works she is in a calm happy environment which gives her the best creative state of mind. She uses situations in her life as a setting for her works, and then uses the ideas that went through her head at that moment in time to humorize the scene. She does not believe in censoring her work to the public as she likes to express her current emotion in her work. It does not matter to her the content of her art and how apropriate it is, she wants to express the exact feeling she felt at the time on to a design. Her work has a sense of being stress free and always creative. Her work also introduces a type of poetry to her work.

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