Tuesday 28 April 2009

Reincarnation by Computer (Mag.)

Daniel Lee is a very unique artist who mixes reality and make-belief with no limits using digital engineering. He is able to create his strange and unique art works because of modern digital technology. His free flowing ideas bring new aspects to art and are not always understood/processed by the mind at first. The picture seems real but it is actually an impossible picture and could never occur. His art all portraits super naturalism by replacing real objects in his image with make belief objects making the picture interesting; this is now possible because of the major advancements in digital engineering. His work is very interesting and attracts a lot of attention from viewers because the observer has to stop and truly think about the image to be able to understand/process it. Daniel Lee has taken advantage of the modern digital advancements and came up with a simple idea that effectively captures the interest of others.

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